Hydrogen Breath Test / Lactulose
Please read prep instructions 14 days prior to test
- No antibiotics or probiotics may be taken within 4 (four) weeks of the test. If you are taking antibiotics the test will be rescheduled.
- Do not eat slowly digesting foods like beans, bran or any other high fiber cereals the day before the test. Examples of these foods are listed below.
- Do not smoke the day of the test.
- Do not chew gum within 12 hours prior to the test.
- If you have recently had a colonoscopy, barium study or enemas, you must wait 14 days to complete your breath test.
- If you take a PPI or acid reducing medication it is okay to continue taking.
- Stop taking pro-motility medications and laxatives, if possible, 3 days before the test.
- You will be at the testing facility for a maximum of 2 hours. Feel free to bring something to work on. (Book, laptop, knitting etc.)
- You may only have water 12 hours prior to the test (this includes
medications). You may only drink water. Please call your primary care doctor to ensure missing your medications for this 12 hour period is permitted. - You will be drinking 25 gm (38mL, which is called into your pharmacy) of lactulose when you arrive for your test followed by a cup of water.
(These are foods you should NOT eat within 24 hours of your test)
If you are uncertain if something may affect the test, do not consume the product.
- Grain Products: Whole grain products (including cereals/melba toast), brans or high-fiber cereals
- Fruits: Fruit, fruit juices, applesauce, canned fruit cocktail, raw/dried fruits like raisins and berries, yogurt or any other food that contains any fruit (including tomatoes).
- Vegetables: All Vegetables, vegetable juices or anything that contains vegetables.
- Nuts, Seeds and Beans: All nuts, seeds and beans, as well as foods that may contain seeds (again to include no fruits or vegetables).
- All Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, butter, cream cheese, sour cream etc.
Suggestions for patient’s meal prior to NPO:
- Baked or broiled chicken or turkey (Salt and pepper only – no other
- seasoning).
- Baked or broiled fish (Salt and pepper only – no other seasoning).
- Plain, steamed, white rice.
- Eggs (not fried in butter or any other dairy product, salt and pepper only – no other seasoning).
- Clear chicken or beef broth (no vegetables).